Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Managed to get that part done - its gone to the google site and pulled the source code of the results triggered by the keyword the client enters. I had a problem with getting google to search for the value within the variable 'keyword' rather than actually searching fot the word 'keyword'. In the end James a fellow programmer suggested that I took the 'keyword' out of the quotes and then simply add an ampersand (&) to the end with 'keyword' added afterwards. As I understand it ampersand is usually used to join to strings together into one. But because of the syntax it actually added the value of the variable 'keyword' to the end of the search query URL google uses. Come to think of it, I should probably enter some screenshots here to show the first parts of my development.

Here's the code:

Here's the form:

Thats about it, now I have to get VB to search through the HTML source code and find the relevant link partners.


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